Lori Harrington

Lori Harrington

Writer & Small Scale Farmer

Lori Harrington is a small scale farmer managing a 1.5 hector farm for the past 10 years. Her expertise in farming operations has extended to her writing career, where she contributes to Your House Your Garden about the use of fertilizers and pesticides. 

She prides herself on her extensive knowledge of the industry and ensuring the highest standards of quality for all the produce that she grows and supplies to the local markets. One of her main goals is to create a balance between organic farming practices and modern agricultural technologies to ensure eco-friendly and sustainable production systems that prioritize both human safety and environmental protection.

With a passion for both nature conservation and growing nutritious food sources, Lori works hard every day to ensure that future generations have access to healthy soil, plentiful crops, and a safe environment for all living creatures – no matter where they reside or what their level of experience may be.

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