How to Use an Electric Kettle | Instruction Electric Kettles

Electric kettle in use

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What is an electric kettle? An electric kettle is a small kitchen appliance used to boil water. Because the kettle uses electricity as a heat source, it’s able to bring water to a boil faster than traditional stovetop kettles.

If you’d like to learn more about how to work a kettle, please refer to our detailed kettle usage guide below – it has everything you need to know.

1. Fill Kettle With Water

The first step to using an electric kettle is filling it with water. How much water you use will depend on what it is you’re making or what you’re using the water for.

For example, if you’re planning to cook a pack of instant noodles, you may only require 2 to 3 cups of water. If you’re boiling water to make tea, you’ll only need 1 or 2 cups of water.

Most electric kettles come with markings on the side of the water jug that’ll tell you how full it is. If you fill the kettle with more water than you need, it’ll take longer than necessary to bring the water to a boil.

2. Place Kettle On the Base

Now that you’ve filled the kettle with the right amount of water, place it on the base. Before doing so, make sure the base is fully dry. If it isn’t, it could produce a shock or even damage your electric kettle. Also, make sure the base is situated on a flat, stable surface.

3. Plug Kettle In And Turn It On

Next, plug the Kettle into a suitable outlet and press the on button. Some electric kettles use a switch instead of a button. In this case, simply flick the switch to turn it on.

Some models let you set a temperature. If your kettle falls into this category, set the temperature before you turn it on. In case you’re unsure, water boils at 100 degree Celsius (or 212 degree Fahrenheit).

4. Wait For The Water To Boil

Once switched on, the electric kettle should take anywhere from 100 to 260 seconds to boil depending on the make/model and how much water it contains. The more water you’ve added to the kettle, the longer it will take to boil.

Unlike stovetop kettles, electric kettles don’t have a whistle that lets you know when the water has reached boiling point. Instead, electric kettles switch off by themselves once the desired temperature has been reached.

5. Serve Hot Water

When the electric kettle has turned off, you’re free to use the boiling water in whatever way you wish. Some electric kettles have a keep warm function, that when switched on, will keep the water warm.

6. Clean Pitcher

Although it’s not necessary after every use, the electric kettle jug should be washed out at least one a week. When small amounts of hot water are left in the kettle overnight, mold and bacteria can begin to build up.

This is especially true if you infrequently use the electric kettle. Unlike most appliances, the more you use an electric kettle, the less you need to clean it.

Electric Kettle Using Tips For Efficiency And Better Brewing

When using an electric kettle, there are several tips you can use to improve efficiency, the most important being:

Don’t Overfill Your Kettle: One of the most common mistakes people make is overfilling their electric kettle. Not only is it a waste of water, but it will take longer and require more energy to bring the water to a boil.

Save Time When Boiling Eggs: To save time while boiling an egg, bring water to a boil in an electric kettle then add it to the stovetop pot. Because electric kettles can boil water much faster, you can save up to 5 minutes or more by doing this.

Great For French Press: Electric kettles make using French Press coffee makers more efficient. Instead of waiting the five plus minutes for water to boil using a regular stove top kettles, electric kettles can be ready in under two minutes.

Brew Tea In Electric Kettle: Some people choose to brew tea directly in the electric kettle to save time. To do so, add a tea bag to the electric kettle and the appropriate amount of water. From there, run the electric kettle normally. When doing this, make sure you leave the tea bag string hanging out over the top of the kettle.

Main Steps and Mistakes For Electric Kettle Usage

Using an electric kettle can be broken down into the following steps:

  1. Fill the kettle with the amount of water you wish to boil.
  2. Place the kettle on the base and plug it in.
  3. Turn the kettle on and wait for it to reach a boil.

Some of the best electric kettles have a temperature setting, which adds an extra step to the process. When using an electric kettle, avoid doing the following:

Cooking Rice: Some people erroneously claim you can cook rice in your electric kettle. Don’t; you’ll only end up ruining the appliance.

Cooking Pasta: Like Rice, some people claim you can cook Pasta in an electric kettle. Not only will it not work, but you’ll likely ruin your kettle trying.

Don’t Boil Milk: Electric Kettles can be used to heat up milk but you must pay close attention. Because electric kettles heat up so quickly, you could easily burn the milk. A safer way to heat up milk is on the stove top or using the microwave.

Does the Electric Kettle Type Affect The Usage Stages?

No, the electric kettle type does not affect the usage stages. That said, it’s still worth going over the most common electric kettle types.

Stainless Steel Electric Kettles: One of the most common types of electric kettles that use a mix of glass and rust-resistant stainless steel. This type of kettle offers a good mix of value and durability.

Cast Iron Electric Kettles: Not very common. Use a standard rubber heating base and a cast iron kettle body. Although these items are very durable, they can leave a bad taste and are more difficult to clean.

Copper Electric Kettle: The copper results in consistent heating and is visually appealing. That said, copper kettles are prone to tarnishing.

Glass Electric Kettle: Another popular design, Glass electric kettles have a see-through glass body and a rubber heating base.

Plastic Electric Kettle: The most cost-effective option, Plastic Electric Kettles have a plastic body and come as one piece, meaning they don’t have a heating base.

When To Prefer Electric Kettle Over Coffee Maker

An electric kettle is referable to a coffee maker when using a french press or coffee percolator. While Coffee makers are designed to brew several cups of coffee at once, the electric kettle can be used to quickly brew a single cup of coffee using a percolator or french press.

When it comes to the question of electric kettle vs. coffee maker, the answer depends on how much coffee you want to brew and what method you’re using.

Alternative Uses Of An Electric Kettle For Other Uses Besides Brewing Tea

Besides brewing tea, electric kettles can be used for a variety of functions. To learn more about the different electric kettle uses, refer to the sections below.

Use An Electric Kettle As A Steamer

To use an electric kettle as a steamer, follow these steps:

  1. Boil up to a liter of water in the electric kettle.
  2. Pour water into a stove top pot of an appropriate size and turn the corresponding element to high.
  3. Place a steamer rack over the top of the pot and place vegetables or whatever you plan on steaming on the rack.
  4. Wait for the vegetables to fully steam.

Use An Electric Kettle As A Rice Cooker

You can’t use an electric kettle as a rice cooker. Not only will it leave you with uncooked rice, but it can damage your kettle.

Use An Electric Kettle As A Ramen Maker

To use an electric kettle as a ramen maker, follow these steps:

  1. Boil 2-3 cups of water
  2. Place ramen noodles into an appropriately sized bowl. If the ramen comes with it’s own bowl, open the paper covering ⅔ of the way.
  3. Mix any spices and dried vegetables that have come with the ramen.
  4. Pour boiled water into the bowl, cover the top of the bowl, and wait 2-3 minutes for the ramen to cook.