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Best Potting Soil For Succulents – TOP 6 Succulent Potting Mixes

Best Choice
WONDER SOIL | Organic Cactus & Succulent Soil
Editor's Choice
Espoma Organic Cactus Potting Soil Mix
Best Overall
Miracle-Gro Cactus, Palm & Citrus Potting Mix

Who doesn’t love succulents? As one of the most popular indoor plants, succulents extremely easy to look after and if you are interested in growing and caring for your very own succulents, then our extensive gardening guides will equip you with all the knowledge and tools necessary to enjoy these lovely, self-sufficient and drought-tolerant plants. 

However, despite their easy maintenance, succulents still require specific nutrients and soil that can help maintain it in the long run. The best potting soil for succulent is one that retains just enough water for the plant to survive and helps drain any excess moisture. 

Some popular varieties of succulents include the string of pearls. You can also check out our article on the best soil for the string of pearls plants. Although, if you have ever grown succulents in the past and were disappointed when they died, you will be relieved to know that it was probably just the wrong potting soil for succulents and not a mistake on your part.

In this article we will discuss the best potting soil for succulents as well as the factors to consider when purchasing it for your variety of succulents. 

Let’s dive in!

Top Picks for the Best Potting Soil for Succulents

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1. Espoma Organic Cactus Potting Soil Mix

The Espoma Cactus Soil Mix is our top pick for the best potting soil for succulents. This potting mix would be ideal for succulents and cacti, which require good drainage and airflow.

Canadian sphagnum peat moss, forest products, humus, perlite, and limestone are among the elements that offer an excellent organic and mineral mix. A unique chemical from Espoma called mycotone is put to the soil to improve it and also aid in better drainage for your own succulent soil. This chemical reduces the effects of drought stress while promoting healthy root development.

Furthermore, this Epsoma soil for succulents is USDA approved! However, it is not OMRI-listed.

2. WONDER SOIL | Organic Cactus & Succulent Soil

This is an excellent succulent soil mixture regardless of your degree of succulent growing expertise, whether you’re planting from scratch, offset, or repotting new or mature succulents. This all-natural soil mixture has been scientifically created and is packed with nutrients that have been shown to promote succulent growth, support strong roots, and increase soil aeration.

Plant your succulents after placing the mixture in the pot, watching as the water causes the soil to swell. The coconut coir addition, which is well recognized for its capacity to retain water, offer good aeration, and increase drainage, is the sole cause of the “growing soil.”

Coir, magnesium, gypsum, pumice, rock minerals (grit), and other excellent ingredients are included in this amazing mix. 

The only drawback is that this mixture lacks perlite but it does contain pumice as an equally amazing alternative.

3. Miracle-Gro Cactus, Palm & Citrus Potting Mix

Looking for one of the best potting soil for succulents? This Miracle-Gro for cacti and succulents will breathe new life into your precious plants!

Miracle-Gro has created a potting mix specifically for this purpose. Therefore, after using this soil, your succulent plants will develop into healthy plants that bear lovely, vibrant flowers.

Miracle-Gro Plant Food is fed to the fast-draining formula of the soil to ensure that your seedlings have the ideal soil conditions for up to 6 months. Sand, perlite, and other forest products are also used in the mixture to enhance water drainage and minimize soil compaction.

If you’re not satisfied with Miracle-succulent Gro’s mix, you can get your money back within six months.

Keep in mind that this soil should only be used for potted plants, not for outdoor plants in the ground. We also recommend adding a dash of extra perlite as this soil has the tendency to hold a lot of moisture, which may lead to root rot.

4. Fat Plants San Diego Premium Cacti and Succulent Potting Mix Soil

This succulent soil potting mix is designed to be the ideal growing medium for all of your indoor succulents and cacti. It has been carefully crafted to ensure the ideal environment and living conditions for your succulents and cacti, making it one of the best soil for succulents and especially potted plants.

The Fat Plants premium succulent soil contains minerals that release over the course of eight months, acting as a natural fertilizer and sustenance for your developing succulents. They appear as tiny yellow balls that are rich in the macronutrients potassium, phosphorus, and nitrogen.

Additionally, the pH balance in this potting combination is perfect for all cacti and succulents to grow. With a pH that is largely neutral but leans more acidic, this Fat Plants succulent soil provides your succulents with the kind of environment that cacti and succulents prefer.

Succulents, which naturally require less water to survive, require well-draining soil to develop as healthily as possible. This mixture ensures succulents have the best possible root drainage without running the danger of root rot.

Both indoor and outdoor planters can be filled with this mixture of succulent potting soil. Cacti are great houseplants, but you can also create a desert-like setting in your garden or on your terrace. Simply place your seeds in a potting soil-filled container, and watch them grow!

Although it can be a bit expensive, it is extremely healthy and helpful against soil compaction thanks to the different sized particles which allow for good drainage.

5. All Natural Succulent and Cactus Soil Mix by Perfect Plants

Many gardeners consider this terrific Perfect Plants mixture to be the ideal soil for succulents plants.

It is fresh, organic, and particularly formulated to be succulent soil of the highest caliber, giving your succulent roots the excellent aeration, moisture, and nutrients they require to flourish.

This well-draining soil is also expertly blended to produce a fluffy texture ideal for succulent soil and a balance of air. Composted pine wood, perlite, sand, and garden coir are among its constituents, and it may be used with any of your favorite succulent varieties.

Additionally, the best soil for succulents is packaged in a resealable bag that makes it simple to store away and keeps the combination fresh for longer.

Fresh mixtures of organic peat moss, composted pine bark, and other necessary components are used to create the pH-balanced soil mix. Your succulent plants or cacti will have a dry, well-drained environment to call home once the soil is added.

6. Bonsai Jack Succulent and Cactus Soil - Jacks Gritty Mix

In order to avoid overwatering, choose a succulent soil mix that has a strong root system, is packed with premium quality nutrients and minerals, and comes with excellent aeration and drainage. For optimal results, this Jacks Gritty succulent soil mix enhances root growth and health.

The blend’s quality ingredients, including pine coir, calcined clay, and monto clay, help plants develop beautiful blooms and a vibrant green color.

Pine coir is a light, airy soil builder that enables succulents to breathe. The roots can quickly aerate and absorb the necessary quantity of water. Two different clay soil types support root growth while assisting the plant in water drainage.

Keep in mind that this well draining soil can be quite expensive, but it remains one of the best potting soil for succulents in the market.

Factors to Consider When Picking the Best Potting Soil for Succulents

If you pot succulents in the incorrect soil, they will grow distressed, waterlogged, and die prematurely. All succulent plants will benefit from the correct potting soil, even though certain succulents are more resistant than others. 

Succulents and cacti don’t perform well with heavy watering or extremely wet soil because they are typically native to dry locations with minimal rainfall and are able to store plenty of water inside.

Type and Variety of the Succulent Plant

Some types of succulents can tolerate excessive dampness far better than others. For succulent plants that are very sensitive to humid weather and can perish from too much water, choose a substrate with higher drainage and porosity.

Organic Vs. Inorganic Succulent Potting Soil

An organic soil mixture can be the best option if you are concerned about chemical exposure. However, organic soils are significantly more expensive than inorganic soils. However, because succulents are not edible, chemical exposure is not as harmful as when food is grown. If money is an issue, this plant does well in non-organic soil.

Mineral Ratio in Potting Soil for Succulents

Each soil contains a variety of organic and mineral components. More minerals are present in fertile soil than in soil used for other reasons. While organic materials retain water and provide nutrients to plant roots, coarse grit minerals help with drainage.

The blend of the mineral to organic content in the best succulent potting soil will vary depending on the type of succulent. The majority of succulents will thrive in sandy soil as it promotes aeration and drainage.

Potting Soil for Succulents Planted Indoors vs. Outdoors

Conditions inside and outside are very distinct. Remember that whether the succulent is indoors or outdoors, the substrate responds differently. It dries more quickly outside than indoors.

If you have succulents both indoors and outdoors, the soil for the indoor succulent potting mix needs to drain better than the dirt for the outdoor succulents.

However, if you reside in a warm environment and want to grow cacti outside, you should select substrate materials that can hold onto moisture for a longer time. Your succulent will be able to use the irrigation water effectively as a result.

FAQs About the Best Potting Succulent Soil

The potting soil should be 7-8 inches deep for succulents. This helps provide ample space for the roots to expand without risk of suffocation and waterlogging.

No, all-purpose potting soil does not work for succulents. If you only have potting soil on hand, adding crumbled stones or coarse sand will be essential because succulents demand well-drained soil. A succulent soil must be able to store nutrients and water and then release them when the plant requires them.

Succulents do better in coarse sandy potting soil. It’s crucial to add sand to your potting soil since succulents thrive in permeable sandy potting soil. You may use any kind of sand, but I suggest going with coarse rather than super fine sand to ensure quick drainage for succulents.

Abigail Clemente

Abigail Clemente

To say that Abigail is passionate about gardening and landscaping would be an understatement. Abigail came to Your House Your Garden team with an already exceptional portfolio as an experienced writer.

Abigail Clemente

Abigail Clemente

To say that Abigail is passionate about gardening and landscaping would be an understatement. Abigail came to Your House Your Garden team with an already exceptional portfolio as an experienced writer.